Intergenerational Art Project Fosters Connection and Community

I'm committed to making sure part of my work offers multigenerational experiences in community. It's so important for young people to have opportunities to work alongside their elders in engaging and generative ways. Every time I work with inter-generationally, I'm amazed at how natural and healthy it feels. I wonder why we tend to silo ourselves off into age groups when there's so much to learn and offer one another.

Yesterday, my niece and I facilitated an intergenerational weaving workshop at the Red Hook Art Project. The weaving was really just a vehicle for increased connection through shared experience. But I'm pretty sure everyone felt inspired by their own creations. We made colorful mandalas for meditation and contemplation replete with charms, beads, or feathers.

We were booked for two hours, but we all ended up working together for three. Some of the kids even went off road and made themselves some magic wands.

Thankful for good people at the Red Hook Art Project for hosting this experience.


Grandmother Moon Textile Project Found Its Branch


Begin with What You Like