Begin with What You Like

Sometimes I don’t know where to begin when it comes to my creativity. So I may just work with what’s right at hand. I look around and ask myself what draws my eye. What appeals to my senses? What’s sacred and special to me? I work with what I like and string it together.

Learning to trust what we like and make choices around that is no small thing. It’s one way to strengthen one’s unique sense of self and build agency. It’s also a way to safely test limits and tensions, problem solve, and hold paradox. These are all important abilities in our ongoing evolution.

This morning I worked with two ceramic beads I molded and pit-fired while in Mallorca with @anastasia_egorova_artist

After exploring a bit, I came up with this wall hanging. So many choices were involved in making this simple piece. This not this. This not this. This not this. And every one of those choices was mine alone in conversation with creation. This is what’s needed at times.


Intergenerational Art Project Fosters Connection and Community


Art Forges Meaningful Empowering Friendships Across Borders