Embodied Literacy for Kids

I'm in the process of developing a Saturday morning program for the children in the communities of East Brooklyn. The class will be offered in the month of October and explore the notion of "embodied literacy."

How can we involve our bodies and minds in the storytelling process? How does movement enhance understanding of self and other? How do stories give meaning to movement? What emerges in the quiet spaces and pauses between words?

I've decided to use the book Lost Words as an anchor for the class. Today's children can recognize hundreds of corporate logos, but can scarcely name ten trees or plants.

This book is an attempt to recover the beautiful words from the natural world that are slipping away from us. And perhaps we can recover a lost part of ourselves in the process.

The program will be offered through the Brooklyn Public Library and will be live-streamed on Facebook (much to my mortification.) But that means, your kids can tune in!


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