Coming Full Circle with Practice and Purpose

Earlier this year I took a big step back from my teaching practice in the contemplative arts because I was exhausted and repelled by the rampant commodification and branding of healing practices. My participation in this was draining me of spiritual vitality and I didn’t feel my work was helping people make the turn from personal transformation to collective and planetary transformation. So I reduced my workload to select projects with broad impact and began working more directly with the planetary predicament.

It is gratifying to be writing again and exploring the environmental crisis so deeply. Ironically, the quest has brought me full circle. I’m realizing once again how profoundly connected we are to all sentient beings; how much I cherish and need the rocks and rivers and grasslands and mountains; how at the end of the day the love we can manifest and put into action is everything.

We may not be able to save the world. But despite everything, we can choose to snap out of whatever daze we find ourselves in and, to the best of our abilities, choose to reconcile our relationship with all life—past, present, and future.


Restoring a Chicago Neighborhood: Sustainable and Socially Responsible Urban Renewal


Zen Teacher and Author David L. Roy talks about Becoming an Eco-sattva